Serenity Lane
Drug Treatment Centers, Alcohol Treatment Centers

Alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers: Serenity Lane in Oregon and Washington, is rated one of America's top 100 programs for alcoholism and drug abuse.

Offering inpatient, residential and outpatient services. Intervention, assessments, family programs and recovery support offered.

Serenity Lane has 10 facilities throughout Oregon and Washington: Eugene, Portland, Salem, Albany, Bend, Roseburg, and Vancouver.

Serenity Lane
4305 NE Thurston Way #E&F
Vancouver WA 98662
Tel: 360 213-1216

Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Chemically Dependent Adults:

Serenity Lane's Intensive Outpatient Treatment is a ten-week program of group therapy, individual counseling and education about the disease of addiction. Treatment groups meet three times a week for 3 hours per session. Times vary to accommodate the patient's work schedule. Serenity Lane meets the Deferred Prosecution requirements.

Recovery Support is then provided on a weekly basis for up to 11 months. Patients meet for a 1-1/2 hour weekly session to learn to identify and manage stressful life events and to cope with the inevitable ups and downs of early recovery.

Recovery is one day at a time. It involves a personal daily recovery program which is developed by the patient and his/her counselor.

Benefits of Outpatient Treatment:
* Patients begin recovery while they stay on the job
* Costs are partially covered by most health insurance plans
* Treatment for addiction, plus related health & social issues
* Opportunity for the entire family to begin a healing process
* No additional cost for weekly family program
* Recovery Support for up to 12 months

Significant features of Outpatient Treatment include:
* Free initial consultation
* Evening programs
* Education sessions
* Group and Individual Counseling
* Family Program
* DUI Services*
* State Licensed
* Employer/EAP Services
* 12-Step participation
* Consultation with local medical and mental health professionals

*DUI Services meet State of Washington criteria

We also offer:
* Special trainings for business and industry.
* Consultation and referral to community agencies when appropriate.
* Alumni activities.
* Patient Monitoring Program:
When an individual is mandated to treatment, either through the court system, a DUI violation, an employer's last chance agreement, or is under the jurisdiction of an attorney or M.D., Serenity Lane will monitor the patient's progress and attendance through our "Blue Flag" program. Any absence from treatment sessions will be reported to the appropriate monitors. The patient must sign a release authorizing this monitoring program. No other treatment program in Washington offers a tracking system of this kind.
* Medically Managed Withdrawal (detox) and Residential programs are available at our Eugene, Oregon facility. Admission can be coordinated through the Portland or Vancouver clinics.
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