A Positive Alternative
Non-12 Step Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Seattle

The Only Non-12 Step Outpatient Treatment Program of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. The separate gender programs treat high-functioning individuals in small groups, using a research and evidence based approach.

A Positive Alternative
4649 Sunnyside Ave N #200
Seattle WA 98103
Tel: 206 547-1955

An Alternative to AA and 12-Step Oriented Treatment Programs

We are an established and successful outpatient alcohol and substance abuse treatment center in Seattle, Washington. We provide a unique and progressive approach to alcohol and chemical dependency treatment that is not based on the 12-step or AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) model.

We view every client as a unique individual who requires an approach that deals effectively with their specific issues.

97% of all Treatment for Addictions in the U.S. is based on the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) model and that working the 12-step program is the only legitimate form of recovery from substance abuse. We offer a successful alternative to that model, based on established research and decades of experience.
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